Dark Magical Girl Quest Original (2024)


  • Wednesday at 12:26 PM
  • #251

Rise Shine said:

I don't think I've seen an MC on one of these quests who didn't have a roundabout/gimmicky way of fighting, so I'm rather excited to do things like:

  • Manipulate a crowd of civilians into protecting us from harm.
  • Convince a hero that no, really, we've changed our ways!.. and attack the moment they believe us.
  • Walk into a bank and make the people there rob it for us.
  • Make the MG's attack each other.
  • Make a crane driver attempt to hit a girl with it.

Plus, it's not like we're stuck with just the one ability. We could still get more ways to fight, I just like the idea of saying 'nope' to combat, and making them do it for us. I just don't want to romance anything.

I'm somewhat reminded of Balor Gaze from Disgaea 5, which forced targets to fall in love with it's user, Seraphina.

An individual of culture I See! Actually that could TOTALLY be a mid to end game power up. Massive love hypnosis is kinda a cool thing. And simce were goimg a Bard route we could do so much with music. The classic buffs amd debuffs (Agnia and primrose from Octopath traveler 2 and 1) Literal Rock/electric/metal music or elemental charge music, healing songs, song to promote growth (plants maybe), status conditions (yes charm would work, but things like paralysis, poison and confusion can work depending on the tune. Fear and silemce as well now that I think about it). Our power sets could go in a lot of directions.......


  • Wednesday at 12:27 PM
  • #252

Hopefully the thread calms down past this point, this voting period had some real bitterness going on and it's been unpleasant.

Thank you for clarifying the Beauty thing. The back and forths about brainwashing girls into harems was really weird and uncomfortable, this should put an end to that for now.

A higher Empathy score makes me inclined towards playing into social manipulation and if it's possible, leveraging our deeper understanding of people with Illusion magic to trick our enemies in combat.

RexHeller said:

As compensation, I'll probably do some Omakes for how alternate plans would have gone. Or at least map out what ideas I had brewing. Maybe both.

Which plans did you have in mind for this?

I don't think you should spend the effort of writing omakes unless you actually want to.

T.T said:

Whoever came up with the plan lost a lot of votes in my opinion because the stat distribution seems so random.

Nobody else had anything to say about the Starscream plan stats even though it came very close to winning, so I doubt it.

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  • Wednesday at 12:41 PM
  • #253

The3rdCorinthian said:

Which means that we are probably going to be the resident Buff/Debuff master. Stuff like Illusions is something I think we ought to take a serious interest in, alongside anything that can buff our allies defensive capabilities. Heck, even their offensive ones (We aren't the ones attacking after all).

And if someone manages to get their act together, either getting past our allies or breaking through our tricks whilst we're alone? Hit 'em with the Bishie Sparkles and laugh as their allies yell "OH MY GOD, RED, YOU USELESS LESBIAN!"

Just what I said: evil bard.

Dreaming Circuit

  • Wednesday at 1:09 PM
  • #254

StellarMonarch said:

Nobody else had anything to say about the Starscream plan stats even though it came very close to winning, so I doubt it.

Can confirm, I didn't even look at starscream's stats.


Title Incoming. Please Hold.
Somewhere else.
  • Wednesday at 1:12 PM
  • #255

StellarMonarch said:

Which plans did you have in mind for this?

I don't think you should spend the effort of writing omakes unless you actually want to.

The next two, so Starscream and Lazy Idol. I had some thoughts about Cultist Origin too that I want to share. But I'll focus on the main quest first.


  • Wednesday at 1:16 PM
  • #256

Dark Magical Girl Quest Original (6)

Neat image I got.

Mithrill said:

Just what I said: evil bard.

How does Magical Girl Maestro sound? Could get a wand to look like an orchestra conductor.

Hmm. I should go check out some Bard-themed character design, might be something we can copy.

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England, unfortunately.
  • Wednesday at 1:25 PM
  • #257

StellarMonarch said:

How does Magical Girl Maestro sound? Could get a wand to look like an orchestra conductor.

I see your elegant orchestra conductor and raise you Punk Rock.

Dreaming Circuit

  • Wednesday at 1:29 PM
  • #259


  • Wednesday at 2:07 PM
  • #260

Dark Magical Girl Quest Original (11)
Kaworu Ai
> Dark Magical Girl
> Student at Akarui Seishin Private School

Might [5]
Skill [1]
Intellect [6]
Empathy [22]
Soul [12]

5 Might = 5 (ORIGIN)
1 Skill = 1 (ORIGIN)
6 Intellect = 3 (ORIGIN) + 3 (Urban Legends)
22 Empathy= 10 (ORIGIN) + 10 (SIN) + 2 (Urban Legends)
12 Soul = 7 (ORIGIN) + 5 (Music)

Health [17]
Mana [18]
Physical Attack [6]
Magical Attack [34]

17 Health = 5 (Might) + 12 (Soul)
18 Mana = 12 (Soul) + 6 (Intellect)
6 Physical Attack = 5 (Might) + 1 (Skill)
34 Magical Attack = 12 (Soul) + 22 (Empathy)

Origin: Tragedy.


I Cannot Harm my Beloved: -10 to any roll for harming a Magical Girl, physically or emotionally.

Beauty: Enchant to target to temporarily love you. Effects depend on the degree of success.

Quick character sheet.

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  • Wednesday at 3:22 PM
  • #261

StellarMonarch said:

I Cannot Harm my Beloved: -10 to any roll for harming a Magical Girl, physically or emotionally.

All we gotta do is Bishy Sparkle them so hard that they can't even think about fighting us cause they have a case of the Yuri.


We do deserve to exist.
  • Wednesday at 3:32 PM
  • #262

The moment she shows up with a tuxedo the opponent is instantly paralyzed.

  • Wednesday at 3:44 PM
  • #263

Chimeraguard said:

The moment she shows up with a tuxedo the opponent is instantly paralyzed.

Theres just something about a woman in uniform... especially if they can kick your ass.

Or they can just kick your ass.... and you would thank them for it.

Extra one just because.

Dreaming Circuit

  • Wednesday at 3:45 PM
  • #264

StellarMonarch said:

Beauty: Enchant to target to temporarily love you. Effects depend on the degree of success.

I mean that sure sounds more like mind control than a boost to attractiveness.


England, unfortunately.
  • Wednesday at 3:50 PM
  • #265

Based on what Rex said, I think it boils down to people going full monkey brain and being very stupid.

They're still acting of their own will. It's just bad decisions.


  • Wednesday at 4:01 PM
  • #266

On a completly different note.... we need to workshop a Dark Magical girl design (porbably early but eh). *in a streotipical fashionista voice* *or genies voice)
Places people, places! We need a full on wardrobe black and grays in the forfront, dark blue, reds and purples as secondarys! We can debate if orange, greens or whatever in the meeting room. *grabs The MC* Cmon here darling, yes I know till to early to choose colors but thats secomdary to asthetic! Music is sooooo diverse, the earlier we begin the better. We have a rock look, punk rock is in... a more sophisticated conductor look, or we can enphazise the doom and gloom, maybe a more gothic look (its a classic!), or hmmm maybe combime it with your main weapon? Guitars are a classic darling we can even add an axe or a scythe to it! That demon hunter fellow a couple years back LOVED that thing. But maybe we could go with violin? I know we have ome that can summon dark creatures somewhere around, or are loud and proud girl? A trumpet will blow away the competition! No drums unless you have the strenght to carry them, sweety. Or maybe forgo an imstrument and go aaaaallll in on that voice sweety, really captivate your audience with words alone.

(I had this brain rot suddenly and i needed to write it.)

Rise Shine

  • Wednesday at 4:02 PM
  • #267

The3rdCorinthian said:

Based on what Rex said, I think it boils down to people going full monkey brain and being very stupid.

They're still acting of their own will. It's just bad decisions.

Dark Magical Girl Quest Original (19)
MG when the Bishie Sparkleskick in.

Meme: Allegations Beaten(?)New

  • Media
  • MrKermie

    Somewhere on the planet
    • Wednesday at 4:13 PM
    • #268

    In light of the recent discussion, an image version of the comment I made. (Do you agree, or disagree? It's really up to the choices we make, when you think about it.)Dark Magical Girl Quest Original (21)

    • MrKermie
    • Wednesday at 4:13 PM

  • New
  • Media
  • M


    • Wednesday at 4:22 PM
    • #269

    SolarGemX said:

    On a completly different note.... we need to workshop a Dark Magical girl design (porbably early but eh). *in a streotipical fashionista voice* *or genies voice)
    Places people, places! We need a full on wardrobe black and grays in the forfront, dark blue, reds and purples as secondarys! We can debate if orange, greens or whatever in the meeting room. *grabs The MC* Cmon here darling, yes I know till to early to choose colors but thats secomdary to asthetic! Music is sooooo diverse, the earlier we begin the better. We have a rock look, punk rock is in... a more sophisticated conductor look, or we can enphazise the doom and gloom, maybe a more gothic look (its a classic!), or hmmm maybe combime it with your main weapon? Guitars are a classic darling we can even add an axe or a scythe to it! That demon hunter fellow a couple years back LOVED that thing. But maybe we could go with violin? I know we have ome that can summon dark creatures somewhere around, or are loud and proud girl? A trumpet will blow away the competition! No drums unless you have the strenght to carry them, sweety. Or maybe forgo an imstrument and go aaaaallll in on that voice sweety, really captivate your audience with words alone.

    (I had this brain rot suddenly and i needed to write it.)

    Chimes! Ethereala and dignified, but without snobbery; plus they can be a weapon in a pinch! And properly set up can be a magic focus too!


    • Wednesday at 4:37 PM
    • #270

    Mithrill said:

    Chimes! Ethereala and dignified, but without snobbery; plus they can be a weapon in a pinch! And properly set up can be a magic focus too!

    Wind instruments! Oh my Yami how could I forget. Mithrill your a live saver. Hmmm a softer approach can have its own charm. We could go with the classic harp, but uuuughh is soo cliche. Hmmm OH! How about a flute? Soft spoken maiden has their own fans, and when they least expect it YOU STAB THEM IN THE THROAT! Ooooh yes! The betrayal! The blood! Or if your squimish i have heard of a acient bard who turned his flute into a what do the youngins call it? A yes a lightsaber, it even had a funny name, hold on i do believe i have a picture of the fellow... aha!

    Ugh so much pink. Pink is good dont get me wrong but as a primary? Ugh no no no. I will not let my canvas be ruined by such a Light color pallet! Not again . No good Lousy wannabe *grumbles about a heroic atelier rival they know* any way! Any suggestioms?



    • Wednesday at 4:57 PM
    • #271

    SolarGemX said:

    Wind instruments! Oh my Yami how could I forget. Mithrill your a live saver. Hmmm a softer approach can have its own charm. We could go with the classic harp, but uuuughh is soo cliche. Hmmm OH! How about a flute? Soft spoken maiden has their own fans, and when they least expect it YOU STAB THEM IN THE THROAT! Ooooh yes! The betrayal! The blood! Or if your squimish i have heard of a acient bard who turned his flute into a what do the youngins call it? A yes a lightsaber, it even had a funny name, hold on i do believe i have a picture of the fellow... aha!

    Ugh so much pink. Pink is good dont get me wrong but as a primary? Ugh no no no. I will not let my canvas be ruined by such a Light color pallet! Not again . No good Lousy wannabe *grumbles about a heroic atelier rival they know* any way! Any suggestioms?

    Not bad, not bad... but I guess I'll tell more about what I had in mind.
    So, let's take a standard "fashionably antique" attire, something tight, but with some loose material and a couple layers, primarily in the back (I guess not unlike the middle one here, just as separate tassels and not one capelet), and then hang some wind chimes from those. And from sleeves. Not too large, but colourful and glimmering in a invitingly enigmatic way: darker blues semi-transparent veils, shine of a night sky rather than bright glare of a sun. High heels and sharp trousers with delicate verical striping for illusion of greater height. Finally a teasingly mysterious headwear and mask; and creme de la creme - a baton-wand with mini-chimes hanging from it as a main magical tool. Imagine: strolling with absolute confidence, plinking sound announcing our presence far - yet who is this individual, so much about them unseen but every glimpse just furthers the conviction that

    this is the most beautiful individual in the world:

    the light in their eyes, the faint contours of their body, the laugh... and then we whip out the wand, our voice carries over the tinkling of the bells, magnifying and being magnified by them in turn, a one-person symphony of bells and chimes and songs, charming, enrapturing, terrific... Can you see it?
    All right, I got carried away, but... seriously, thoughts?


    • Wednesday at 5:08 PM
    • #272

    Mithrill said:

    Not bad, not bad... but I guess I'll tell more about what I had in mind.
    So, let's take a standard "fashionably antique" attire, something tight, but with some loose material and a couple layers, primarily in the back (I guess not unlike the middle one here, just as separate tassels and not one capelet), and then hang some wind chimes from those. And from sleeves. Not too large, but colourful and glimmering in a invitingly enigmatic way: darker blues semi-transparent veils, shine of a night sky rather than bright glare of a sun. High heels and sharp trousers with delicate verical striping for illusion of greater height. Finally a teasingly mysterious headwear and mask; and creme de la creme - a baton-wand with mini-chimes hanging from it as a main magical tool. Imagine: strolling with absolute confidence, plinking sound announcing our presence far - yet who is this individual, so much about them unseen but every glimpse just furthers the conviction that

    this is the most beautiful individual in the world:

    the light in their eyes, the faint contours of their body, the laugh... and then we whip out the wand, our voice carries over the tinkling of the bells, magnifying and being magnified by them in turn, a one-person symphony of bells and chimes and songs, charming, enrapturing, terrific... Can you see it?
    All right, I got carried away, but... seriously, thoughts?

    *sparkles in eyes and with a soft voice* womderful. *continues talkimg with the rest of the team, leaving a very confused MC behind*

    Dont worry its all good.


    Title Incoming. Please Hold.
    Somewhere else.
    • Wednesday at 5:15 PM
    • #274

    MrKermie said:

    In light of the recent discussion, an image version of the comment I made. (Do you agree, or disagree? It's really up to the choices we make, when you think about it.)Dark Magical Girl Quest Original (26)

    *Girlish squeal of delight!* I GOT A MEME! This is the first time ever anything I've written has gotten a meme made for it before! And before we're even finished character creation too! Take you threadmark! Thank you!

    Dark Magical Girl Quest Original (2024)


    What was the first Dark Magical Girl anime? ›

    Debuting a few years after the release of the classic Sailor Moon, Nurse Angel Ririka SOS is one of the first takes on a darker twist to the magical girl format.

    What is the oldest magical girl show? ›

    Himitsu no Akko-chan (1962), serialized in the shōjo manga magazine Ribon, is credited as the earliest magical girl manga series. Sally the Witch followed in 1966, with a concept inspired by the American sitcom Bewitched.

    What is the dark magical girl trope? ›

    The Dark Magical Girl is the distortion of The Power of Love and The Power of Friendship, molded into a dark parody of the hero. Where (most) heroes are a force for good and light, the Dark Magical Girl's virtues have all been twisted to serve evil.

    Is Madoka Magica the only dark magical girl? ›

    Plenty of other titles have put a dark spin on the genre as well, and some even do it better than Madoka Magica. From classic titles like Revolutionary Girl Utena to modern hits such as Kill la Kill, the magical girl genre is filled with many incredible series that use darker elements to tell their stories.

    Who was the first female anime character? ›

    What is noted as the first magical girl anime, Sally the Witch, began broadcasting in 1966. The original Speed Racer anime television began in 1967 and was brought to the West with great success.

    Who is the weakest magical girl? ›

    According to the guide, Homura's attack and speed are listed as 0, making her the weakest magical girl.

    Is Yuki Yuna a dark anime? ›

    'Madoka Magica' and 'Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero' are both dark magical girl animes.

    When did magical girl site end? ›

    Magical Girl Site is written and illustrated by Kentarō Satō. The series ran on Akita Shoten's Champion Tap! website from July 4, 2013, to October 5, 2017.

    Who is the OG magical girl? ›

    While two series claim the role of "first magical girl anime"—Mitsuteru Yokoyama's Mahotsukai Sally (Sally the Witch, 1966-1968) and Fujio Akatsuka's Himitsu no Akko-chan (broadcast 1969, but its manga predates Mahotsukai Sally)—the creators of both credit Bewitched as a primary inspiration for their work.

    What is the most popular magical girl? ›

    While there have been countless inspirational and groundbreaking magical girl titles over the years, few can even come close to Sailor Moon. Viewed as the quintessential magical girl series, this beloved classic has inspired for decades and is easily the most recognizable magical girl anime of all time.

    What is the dead girl trope? ›

    In the typical murder mystery, her inert body sets the plot in motion. She is the “victim,” her death the pretense for an intrepid sleuth's quest for truth; a mystery set in place by one man is tidily solved by another.

    What is the meaning of Maho shojo? ›

    Magical girl (魔法少女, mahō shōjo) is a subgenre of Japanese fantasy media centered around young girls who use magic, often through an alter ego into which they can transform.

    What anime is dark magician girl from? ›

    In Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, Dark Magician Girl appears as a Duel Spirit during the Duel Festival. On the one day Duel Spirits can take physical form, the Dark Magician Girl surfaces during a school-wide festival to duel with Jaden Yuki after finding out that Syrus Truesdale had planned a Costume Duel for that day.

    When was the first magical girl? ›

    The first manga to feature what is considered a magical girl was 1953's Princess Knight, written and illustrated by Osamu Tezuka. The protagonist is a girl named Sapphire, who was born with the heart of both a boy and a girl.

    What was the first fantasy Isekai anime? ›

    However, the first modern isekai works were Haruka Takachiho's novel Warrior from Another World and Yoshiyuki Tomino's television series Aura Battler Dunbine.

    What is the old witch girl anime? ›

    Sally the Witch (1966)

    Sally the Witch is an early example of the magical girl anime, inspired by the American sitcom, Bewitched. Sally is the princess of the magical kingdom of Astoria. Growing bored with her life as a princess, Sally decides to venture into the human world, where she makes new friends.

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    Name: Stevie Stamm

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