Conference Call (Multicross) (2024)


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  • Pachycephalosaur

    • Sep 18, 2018
    • #1

    Conference Call (Multicross) (2)
    Conference Call
    Sufficient Velocity

    Conference Call has migrated to be a Sufficient Velocity exclusive for the time-being.

    Throughout the story's lifetime, there have been several occasions where a 'quick-edit' had to be made. This has constantly and repeatedly resulted in differences between the Spacebattles, Sufficient Velocity, and Archive of Our Own versions—the Ao3 version in particular was riddled with issues that did not exist the in other iterations of the story. As a major revision is currently in the works, I have deemed it appropriate to centralize Conference Call onto a single website. Once all revisions and edits have been finalized, the properly edited versions of the story will be posted back on Spacebattles and Archive of Our Own with complete parity between all editions.

    Please use the link above to find the fic. Thank you.

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    • Pachycephalosaur
    • Sep 18, 2018
    • Reader mode

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  • Arc 1 Chapter 1

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  • Pachycephalosaur

    • Sep 18, 2018
    • #2

    Conference Call has migrated to be a Sufficient Velocity exclusive for the time-being.

    Throughout the story's lifetime, there have been several occasions where a 'quick-edit' had to be made. This has constantly and repeatedly resulted in differences between the Spacebattles, Sufficient Velocity, and Archive of Our Own versions—the Ao3 version in particular was riddled with issues that did not exist the in other iterations of the story. As a major revision is currently in the works, I have deemed it appropriate to centralize Conference Call onto a single website. Once all revisions and edits have been finalized, the properly edited versions of the story will be posted back on Spacebattles and Archive of Our Own with complete parity between all editions.

    In the meantime, please enjoy this chapter of Conference Call's post on Sufficient Velocity.

    Thank you.

    Last edited:

    • Pachycephalosaur
    • Sep 18, 2018
    • Reader mode

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  • Arc 1 Chapter 2

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  • Pachycephalosaur

    • Sep 18, 2018
    • #3

    Conference Call has migrated to be a Sufficient Velocity exclusive for the time-being.

    Throughout the story's lifetime, there have been several occasions where a 'quick-edit' had to be made. This has constantly and repeatedly resulted in differences between the Spacebattles, Sufficient Velocity, and Archive of Our Own versions—the Ao3 version in particular was riddled with issues that did not exist the in other iterations of the story. As a major revision is currently in the works, I have deemed it appropriate to centralize Conference Call onto a single website. Once all revisions and edits have been finalized, the properly edited versions of the story will be posted back on Spacebattles and Archive of Our Own with complete parity between all editions.

    In the meantime, please enjoy this chapter of Conference Call's post on Sufficient Velocity.

    Thank you.

    Last edited:

    • Pachycephalosaur
    • Sep 18, 2018
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  • Nicolaos

    • Sep 19, 2018
    • #4

    Behold the power of scripts


    Function of The Fragile World
    • Sep 19, 2018
    • #5

    Damn, this is cool! I'm looking forward to all the quirky character interaction, and thanks for giving me two more stories to read in Mother of Learning and Homestuck. Can't wait for more!


    • Sep 19, 2018
    • #6

    Wow, this is either gonna be really good or the author is gonna burn out and this will crash and burn. Side note, I'm really liking the fact that you decided to go with someone other than Taytay or Amy for the Worm side as fics involving those are far too common.


    • Sep 19, 2018
    • #8

    Dude. This is the multi cross I never knew I wanted. It also seems absurdly ambitious, and the author will either stop updating abruptly, -incrementally increasing the world's injustice- or pull it off, and become a legend.

    Isn't Zorian's last name Kazinsky, not Kawinsky?


    • Sep 19, 2018
    • #9

    I was surprised and pleased when I saw that the Worm and Naruto PoV characters were both uncommon. I was further pleased by relative munkining of the command line, and the rather intelligent and in-character interactions. I'm eagerly awaiting more OP.


    Assassin grade weather


    • Sep 19, 2018
    • #10

    This is everything I never knew I wanted. I'm also wondering if I missed each of the 4 summarising their respective worlds. Specifically, has Roxy told the others the function of the game she's playing, or really any details? Did I miss that part? Because I feel like learning that one of your sudden peers is basically on a quest to ascend to godhood and create a new universe from the ashes of an old one would be a startling and reaction worthy revelation.

    The kind I really want to read happening. I'm sitting on the edge of my seat.


    • Sep 19, 2018
    • #11

    Man this is awesome, sorta disappointed you decided to go with such an early version of Zorian he goes through so much growth both in personality and power and im slightly worried about how you could show that growth without taking the other characters screen time.

    But even with those concerns I still am very much looking forward to more of this Conference Call (Multicross) (13)


    Slimes are too cute send help
    • Sep 19, 2018
    • #12

    Insteresting multicross! My jam!

    I don't know about the last guy, but the others are moderately well known by me at least.

    And i wonder when Roxy will share with her friends about the mental chat. Kid Win has already done so to his elders, and will probably do so with his friends later. Ino just plain did so at the beginning, and Zorian has apparently no friends(At least according to his image) and thus no problem. But Roxy can still bring her friends in the know! And who knows, maybe her friend's powers might be the solution to the sharing problem?



    • Sep 19, 2018
    • #13

    Giygas said:

    Insteresting multicross! My jam!

    I don't know about the last guy, but the others are moderately well known by me at least.

    And i wonder when Roxy will share with her friends about the mental chat. Kid Win has already done so to his elders, and will probably do so with his friends later. Ino just plain did so at the beginning, and Zorian has apparently no friends(At least according to his image) and thus no problem. But Roxy can still bring her friends in the know! And who knows, maybe her friend's powers might be the solution to the sharing problem?

    Zorian does actually have friends. The friend he mainly interacts with is kind of a gossip, his name was Benisek. He just becomes increasingly irrelevant to the story as time goes on. He also occasionally interacts with an older girl called Taivan.

    Though he isn't the kind of person who would share somthing overly strange or impossible with others.

    • Sep 19, 2018
    • #14

    I like all the fics in this crossover, I'm definitely enjoying how it's going so far. I really hope this continues, ambitious crossovers like this either end up really, really good or just slowly fizzle away as the author either runs out of ideas or gives up.



    • Sep 19, 2018
    • #15

    Pachycephalosaur said:

    "Maybe that's what Thunder wants, though? Me to share my mental techniques with the others so that he can steal them? There's not proof the others aren't just him taking on roles to convince me."

    not ---> no

    Pachycephalosaur said:

    They started by debating the existence of a city called 'Brockton Bay', and have been slowing moving up the timeline starting from the founding of the city until the year 2011, looking for historical deviation.

    interesting story so far i had a similar idea for naruto ranma harry potter worm though mine involved the 3 TC's plus taylor that and i'm no writer unfortunately


    The sh*ttiest Wizard
    • Sep 19, 2018
    • #16

    SmileJPG said:

    Damn, this is cool! I'm looking forward to all the quirky character interaction, and thanks for giving me two more stories to read in Mother of Learning and Homestuck. Can't wait for more!

    You're starting to read homestuck?

    My dude you are in for a ride. If you are the type who can do it, I recommend doing a liveblog (A la Mindareads or WTFisHomestuck). Those are always fun to read.


    • Sep 19, 2018
    • #17

    MrBTXz said:

    Man this is awesome, sorta disappointed you decided to go with such an early version of Zorian he goes through so much growth both in personality and power and im slightly worried about how you could show that growth without taking the other characters screen time.

    But even with those concerns I still am very much looking forward to more of this Conference Call (Multicross) (18)

    I had a similar reaction at first but then I thought of how interesting it would be for Zorian to develop in a different direction then the mind mage path he took in cannon. I like the concept where zorian provides a means for the others to test dangerous ideas with. Like if they collectively develop a nuclear jutsu or something along those lines then he'd be the safest person to test out its applicability. Also think about a red robe encounter where Zorian has a tinker tech laser pistol, now that I'd laugh at given how zorian uses a mundane pistol to surprise red rope that one time.

    This story is something I really didn't know I needed until now, i look forward to reading the next chapter. Amazing work thus far.

    Last edited:


    • Sep 21, 2018
    • #18

    Finally a Roxie story!

    Adept Arcanist

    Prince of Time


    • Sep 22, 2018
    • #19

    Oh, wow! I was a little skeptical at first, but I'm really enjoying this! The Homestucky chat logs and characterization, the way they're figuring out how to get the most out of the chatroom's functions... I'll look forward to the next chapter!

    The one thing I hope is that with sense-sharing we'll get to see a bit more of other characters interacting with the four (especially when the Beta Kids break through to the session in Roxy's side).



    • Sep 22, 2018
    • #20

    One thing that worries me about this crossover is how slow MoL is, in terms of timeframe. Naruto is several months (?) plus a timeskip of 3 years, plus a year from the start to the end IIRC. Worm is several months, plus a two-year timeskip, plus a month or two from the start to the end, when everything goes to hell. I haven't read Homestuck, so I can't compare it. But MoL? approximately 8 years have passed from the start of canon to the current chapter. If nothing diverges (which is unlikely), Zorian spends two weeks dead this month (and will he be able to use the chat while dead?), followed by the next six or so months in a timeskip, before Zach re-arrives. Arc 2 begins in 3 or 4 years, by which two of the other series have finished and the threats have passed.
    Don't get me wrong, I like the story so far, and really hope that the author will be able to pull it off. I'm just wondering if he(?) can.

    Edit: or we get massive divergences early on, and Zorian's timeline especially is thrown out the window since a lot of it depends on him, but he still needs time to be a better mage with his mana control and learn how to use mind magic and later dimensionalism.

    Brill Adrien

    • Sep 22, 2018
    • #21

    Anyone know of any other Mother of Learning fanfics? I stopped reading about the time Zorian and Zach really start working together and it was so long between updates I decided to let it progress a bit more before rereading.

    Zorian's spider buddies under the college town got wiped from the simulation. Zorian and Zach know its a simulation with a finite number of repeats since the badguy has already gotten out of the room/spatial dimension and back to reality. If anyone could give a rough accounting of how much more story there is I would really appreciate it.

    Just found this story, never read Homestuck but I have decent knowledge of everything else, really kickass premise and writing/execution!


    Perpetual Beginner
    • Sep 22, 2018
    • #22

    I'm really liking this so far, but I have no idea where it's going or where it even can go. Like readerboy7 mentioned, the pacings of all the different plotlines and character developments seem quite drastic after all. Do we have any idea when in the Naruto timeline it is yet?


    • Sep 23, 2018
    • #23

    This kinda reminds me of that series on Netflix called Sense8. I really liked the concept of the show, the whole mentally connected, sharing experiences and knowledge, and even being able to bodyjack each other to help each other out.

    Probably won't see all of that here, but kinda has that same root feeling of familiarity, I'm definitely liking what I see of this fic so far.

    Last edited:


    • Sep 27, 2018
    • #24

    High Quality Content.

    Can't wait to see it continue.

    Ralyx said:

    I'm really liking this so far, but I have no idea where it's going or where it even can go. Like readerboy7 mentioned, the pacings of all the different plotlines and character developments seem quite drastic after all. Do we have any idea when in the Naruto timeline it is yet?

    I'll think about it for a bit, but its definitely after the 4th shinobi world war.

    Ino recently got out of the Academy, so near the beginning of canon taking place...

    Probably before the wave arc.

    Arc 1 Chapter 3

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  • Pachycephalosaur

    • Sep 29, 2018
    • #25

    Conference Call has migrated to be a Sufficient Velocity exclusive for the time-being.

    Throughout the story's lifetime, there have been several occasions where a 'quick-edit' had to be made. This has constantly and repeatedly resulted in differences between the Spacebattles, Sufficient Velocity, and Archive of Our Own versions—the Ao3 version in particular was riddled with issues that did not exist the in other iterations of the story. As a major revision is currently in the works, I have deemed it appropriate to centralize Conference Call onto a single website. Once all revisions and edits have been finalized, the properly edited versions of the story will be posted back on Spacebattles and Archive of Our Own with complete parity between all editions.

    In the meantime, please enjoy this chapter of Conference Call's post on Sufficient Velocity.

    Thank you.

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    • Pachycephalosaur
    • Sep 29, 2018
    • Reader mode

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  • Conference Call (Multicross) (2024)
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